Wyre Forest Study Group
June, 2018
Dark Green Fritillaries
Craig Reed photographed these lovely Dark Green Fritillary butterflies in Wyre recently. This species was first recorded in the Forest a few years ago and they are now breeding annually. The females use scent to locate violets on which they lay their eggs. When the caterpillars hatch they immediately go into hibernation and only start to feed the following spring, leaving characteristic moon-shapes holes in the violet leaves. They can sometimes be seen basking nearby.

Dark Green Fritillaries, Dowles Valley, 25 June 2018

Photograph by Craig Reed

Dark Green Fritillaries, Dowles Valley, 25 June 2018

Photograph by Craig Reed

Dark Green Fritillaries caterpillar, Longdon, 13 May 2017

Photograph by Rosemary Winnall