Life under a log

Life under a log

Wyre Forest Study Group 5 September, 2018 Life under a log During the regular midweek field meeting in Sept, the Study Group, with permission, visited the little-known area of Snuffmill ponds, just to the south of Bewdley. The Snuffmill ponds date back several...
Small Purple and Gold Pyrausta aurata

Small Purple and Gold Pyrausta aurata

Wyre Forest Study Group 8 August, 2018 Small Purple and Gold Pyrausta aurata This pretty little daytime-flying Crambid micro-moth is often seen flying around mint, marjoram and related plants. There are 2 broods between May and September, and they can be found in...
Dark Green Fritillaries

Dark Green Fritillaries

Wyre Forest Study Group 28 June, 2018 Dark Green Fritillaries Craig Reed photographed these lovely Dark Green Fritillary butterflies in Wyre recently. This species was first recorded in the Forest a few years ago and they are now breeding annually. The females use...
Marbled White (Melanargia galathea)

Marbled White (Melanargia galathea)

Wyre Forest Study Group 21 June, 2018 Marbled White (Melanargia galathea) Marbled White butterflies are now on the wing in some of our meadows, the males gliding over the flowers in their search for females. They live in colonies and breed where the grass is long,...