A wet day in Wyre

A wet day in Wyre

Wyre Forest Study Group 5 April, 2018 A wet day in Wyre Yesterday Wyre Forest Study Group members braved the cold rain and ventured out into Earnwood Copse, following an ancient sunken track down through the woodland. 2 micromoths Diurnea fagella were spotted on tree...
Spurge Laurel (Daphne laureola )

Spurge Laurel (Daphne laureola )

Wyre Forest Study Group 28 January, 2018 Spurge Laurel Daphne laureola This small fragile evergreen shrub (not often higher than 40cms) grows wild in just a few of our hedgerows and woods around Wyre where the soil it isn’t too acidic. It is flowering now and is...
Birds in the snow

Birds in the snow

Wyre Forest Study Group 6 March, 2018 Birds in the snow In cold weather food is short for many birds, and they can become easier to watch and photograph when they come down to food we provide. Apples and seed put out on the ground in the garden during the recent cold...
Elfcup (Sarcoscypha sp.)

Elfcup (Sarcoscypha sp.)

Wyre Forest Study Group 19 March, 2018 Elfcup (Sarcoscypha sp.) Elfcups are spring cup fungi that brighten our late winter woodland floor with their attractive fruiting bodies. They grow, often in troops, on rotten fallen twigs of broad-leaved trees. Previously...


Wyre Forest Study Group 19 March 2018 Snowflakes A late night walk in the snowy garden with a magnifying glass enabled me to see some detail in the snow flakes – what lovely patterns there are! Snowflake, 18th March 2018 Photograph by Rosemary Winnall Snowflake, 18th...