Pink Waxcap (Hygrocybe calyptriformis)

Pink Waxcap (Hygrocybe calyptriformis)

Wyre Forest Study Group 18 September, 2017 Pink Waxcap, Hygrocybe calyptriformis The Pink Waxcaps (or Ballerina Waxcaps) are up and fruiting this week and it is good to see strong caps appearing in our unimproved meadows after recent rains. This species usually...
Spangle galls and Cherry galls

Spangle galls and Cherry galls

Wyre Forest Study Group 14 September, 2017 Spangle galls and Cherry galls Autumn is a good time to look for plant galls in Wyre. The ball-shaped Cherry Galls are induced by the gall wasp Cynips quercusfolii and those of the Common Spangle Galls by another gall wasp...
Adonis Ladybird (Hippodamia variegata)

Adonis Ladybird (Hippodamia variegata)

Wyre Forest Study Group 30 August, 2017 Adonis Ladybird (Hippodamia variegata) This ladybird is not often recorded in north Worcestershire, but a few have been spotted in and around Wyre this month. August to October is the best time to see this species which is said...
Pale Tortoise Beetle (Cassida flaveola)

Pale Tortoise Beetle (Cassida flaveola)

Wyre Forest Study Group 30 August, 2017 Pale Tortoise Beetle (Cassida flaveola) This 5mm tortoise beetle is associated with stitchworts and sandworts. It has an almost metallic gold lustre with clearly defined lines of punctures on its elytra. It overwinters as an...
Nephrotoma flavipalpus

Nephrotoma flavipalpus

Wyre Forest Study Group 19 August, 2017 Nephrotoma flavipalpus This attractive cranefly is easily identified from the other Nephrotoma species because of its distinctive abdominal markings. It is known to like dry woodlands on sandy soil and this one was found on a...