Wyre Forest Study Group


September, 2020

Rove Beetle – Staphylinus olens

The ferocious looking Rove Beetle (Staphylinus olens), commonly known as the Devil’s Coach Horse, isn’t slow in showing that it means business! When caught out in the open it will often strike a threatening posture, exposing both its jaws and tail, reminiscent of a scorpion. It is capable of emitting an offensive liquid from its tails, the odor of which some say is pungent and long lasting.

The common name: Devils Coach Horse, is thought to be regarded as a symbolic representation of corruption. The folklore associated with this beetle says that if anyone has had dealings with the Devil and took money as a consequence, a Devil’s Coach Horse would appear in the hand.




Devil's Coach Horse (Staphylinus olens) - Shatterford Wood

Devil’s Coach Horse (Staphylinus olens)

Shatterford Wood

Devil’s Coach Horse (Staphylinus olens)

Shatterford Wood

Devil's Coach Horse (Staphylinus olens) - Shatterford Wood